#Medical_Concierge #TeleHealth
🌟 Connect health anytime, anywhere!!! It can only be Insmart’s remote medical consultation service
🌈 Contact Insmart to experience the “Professionalism – Convenience – Security” that the service brings
🎯 Please fill out the following information if your company is interested in Insmart’s Arranging online healthcare consultations service: https://forms.gle/cb1vsjTdohh7NWgw5
#Insmart #khám_sức_khỏe_doanh_nghiệp #chăm_sóc_sức_khỏe_nhân_viên #chăm_sóc_sức_khỏe #y_tế #sức_khỏe #bệnh_mãn_tính #y_tế_tại_nhà #đặt_lịch_khám #khám_từ_xa #hội_thảo_sức_khỏe
To find out more information about the services that Insmart is providing, please contact e-mail: mkt@insmart.com.vn
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Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/insmartvn/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/insmart-vietnam
Zalo: https://zalo.me/2649454739587123777